Monday, May 3, 2010

Art as a meditation...

Art Doodles At The Track...

I forgot all about "A Year Of Finding Love," last night. After returning home from our weekend at the race track, I came home, had a bath, ate dinner and fell into bed and slept long and peacefully... It wasn't till this morning that I realized I had forgotten my daily writing ritual... sighhhh.... Ah me... Apologies...

So, with all the hustle and bustle going on with getting the house ready, showing it, and selling it, all in the last three weeks, it was great to take another breather and go to the track..

I spent most of the weekend tucked away in my little mobile sanctuary - the RV.. ( I really have to give her a name - she deserves one... "Petunia" I think suits her well.)

I usually bring a "few" art supplies along when we go racing, in fact I quite often have a couple of bags worth - papers, collage stuff, glue, paints, pastel crayons.. But since the big organizing went on throughout the house, most of the art supplies went into storage. So this weekend I had a scaled back version of supplies, a small tin of crayons, and a sketchbook.. and some images that I'd torn out of magazines because I'd found them to be inspirational, or just down right beautiful..., which as it turned out was all I really needed..., that and a little bit of quiet. It sounds silly to think of the noisy, raucous track as being a place to experience quiet, but I find peace at the track quite often, and without too much difficulty. I think its quite like meditation, I simply sit still, quieten myself..,(often clutching a hot cup of tea,) and let myself be sort of hugged by stillness. It works almost always, and then if I feel like doing something, I get out my supplies and just... "allow" whatever wants to come out... During these quietest times... I have no sense of what time it really is, or how long I'm taking.. For all I know, time has stopped... its a truly blissful feeling, and each time I experience it, then come "out" of it, I am so grateful to have had such a rich and replenishing time to myself.., and I find myself craving more..

1 comment:

CC Lord said...

Reading your blog reminded me of making art just for the fun of it. Sigh. I can see how much I have changed after I go to the market.. I hope I still know how. Well, today, for the first time, I started an acrylic piece and I didn't do too much of "thinking"; just do it. So I guess I was not totally lost. Thank you, Neinah, for bringing art into my life (remember?).