Sunday, September 19, 2010


Dazzling September Flowers

I recently came upon this quote, "Friends are God's way of apologizing for our families," written by "unknown,".... Whoever this unknown person is/was, clearly knew what a true gem a good friend can be..

I have been truly blessed in my lifetime to have a few very special, close friends, and I wouldn't be where I am today without them.  Their love, support and honesty have bolstered me through the good, the bad and the ugly, and thankfully continue to do so.

Today I had the pleasure of spending some time with an old neighbor friend of mine whom I'd met when we moved into our first house, we'd both just had our second babies,( both girls) and instantly became good friends to each other.   Over the years, we saw one another go through struggles and joys, spent easter in the company of each others families, ate meals together, experience family loss,  book groups, illness and  each others divorce...

We lost touch when they sold their house and she moved away to a nearby town...,  over the years I would occasionally bump into her at a local restaurant or the grocery store.., standing with shopping carts straddling the isles trying to catch up on each others news - very unsatisfactory, but it was what we had in the moment...

Today however she came to lunch and got to see our new home... She pulled up in the driveway, grinning from ear to she was,  the same sweet person I'd known, counted on as confidante, friend and sister... just like all those years ago...  the years had not changed a thing. I believe that when we are with real friends, there is a great opportunity for deep healing and self kindness, as they reflect to us the love of who we truly are.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am always amazed at the totally natural feeling Sabra & I have every time we see each other. At times it has been 2 years , other times 6 months...ALWAYS it feels like only an hour has passed. We met when we were 14 years old, have lived from 1 mile to 3000 miles apart over the years. She is everything more than my best friend...and she is simply MY BEST FRIEND!

xo, Cass