Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Joy's Of A Seaside Garden...

This morning I decided I would go for a stroll on the nearby beach.  Year's ago, when we first moved to the the Northwest, we had lived in an old, drafty cabin on this very beach.

I thought I knew how to get there, but on my first attempt I drove straight past the access road.  I turned around and retraced my tracks, and found myself driving down the familiar beach road.

I'm so glad I did, when I was greeted with one of my favorite sights - someone had created a gorgeous Seaside Garden, complete with raised beds filled with squash, vines, berries, gourds..., and flowers dripping from every available square inch of soil.

I was reminded of how very much I love a mixed landscape of vegetables, fruits and flowers... the whole effect is quite stunning, and so welcoming..., I felt invited in to ramble and pause for a while... I could have pulled up a chair, and paused for a very long time, just taking in the exquisite fecundity of it all, breathing in the scents of the rich loamy soil, sweet herbs and sea air...

Combination of climbing pole beans and giant sunflowers

Garnet colored dahlia's drenched in raindrops

Grey-blue poppy seed heads

A giant sunflower turns towards the weak sun

Do you have a favorite garden place you like to sit in?