Friday, February 19, 2010

A Year Of Finding Love

A Year Of Finding Love

I invite you to join me daily (or however often you feel like it) on my year long quest to write about love.

I have given myself this task, so that I can remind myself each day that even though the world is filled with much pain and suffering, anger and hatred, I have much to be grateful for and love to share with all who care to join me.

So many times in the day I experience little, fleeting moments of love (along with many other more "challenging" emotions!)

I am committing myself to a year of documenting these beautiful snapshot, heart-squeezing moments, that bring love and joy into my life, and then share them with any of you who are interested.

I shared my idea with a very good friend, who I know cares about me deeply, and she was concerned for me that a) a year is a huge commitment to do anything (true, but whats the point of life if not to jump right in to it and start swimming? Its like the half marathon I ran in November, I didn't know I could run till I jumped in and started, the next thing I knew, I was a runner and completed a half marathon!) her other point was b) what if nobody reads it? Well, I'm doing this primarily for myself, with an open heart to share with anyone who's out there and is remotely interested. This is like a spiritual/creative practice that I am happy to share with others. But like most spiritual practices I am the one who will benefit from it regardless if anyone else reads what I write or approves.

So, here is my first entry in A Year Of Finding Love. Above is a photo of my two beautiful daughters, Sophie and Isabel. They are, and continue to be the loves of my life.
From the very beginning when they came into this world and my life they have been my greatest muses. I am truly blessed to call myself their mother. They, more than anything have inspired me to be more - more loving, more thoughtful, more ambitious, more creative, more capable than I would ever thought of for myself. There have been some hard and challenging times in my life, and they have come to my rescue by just the act of giving me the look of love that says,,, you can do anything Mama, you're the best, I know that you'll make everything ok, because you're strong, because we see something in you that we love and know we can trust.
And when I look at them , I KNOW that I can move mountains.


1 comment:

WSSS admin said...

I love love love this idea, Neinah! This may be the focal point you have been looking for. This could be part of a daily meditation that includes "offline" work as well. Kudos to you, and go for it!
